Before detailing the methods to be employed it will be convenient to give a list of the commodities and other matters ruled by the planets, signs, and houses, together with their effect upon Markets.
SUN--The Sun rules gold, gilt-edged stock and Government Securities, and the general tone of the Market. It does not materially affect the Market itself, except as it forms aspects to other planets, and its influence is exerted thru the sign in which it is placed. Favorable aspects increase the value of Government securities of the country ruled by the sign, and bad aspects depress it.
MOON--The Moon is not a particular significator of anything. Its passage thru a sign stimulates the commodities ruled by the sign, and often those of the opposite sign as well. Aspects to the Moon do not always act in accordance with their natures, but seem rather to mark turning points, and to denote the times of highest rise and lowest fall. The position of the Moon in its orbit, however, has a general influence on fluctuations, especially in regard to changes from an upward to a downward movement, and vica-versa. This is very marked in the case of the Moon's passage over its apogee and perigee.
MERCURY--This planet rules with others wheat, corn and grain (partly), silver and quick-silver, as well as bonds, returns and publications, news, rumors, and public confidence. Its effect upon the Market is to cause nervousness, activity, instability, quick buying and selling, and rapid fluctuations. If afflicted it brings false or adverse news and rumors, and indicates lack of public confidence. Thus Jupiter afflicted by Mercury would cause quick fluctuations and selling of affairs ruled by Jupiter and the sign containing it, due to adverse rumors.
VENUS--Venus rules copper, silk, textiles, sugar, cotton, furnishing, money, corn, and the wheat market. It affects the market thru money, and its general influence is to cause a peaceful condition in the country in whose sign it is, with steady development, good crops, and a generally settled state. Its good aspects bring a steady, tho often not very lasting, rise in values, but with few fluctuations, while its bad aspects tend to cause dull periods.
MARS--Mars rules iron and steel, railways, motors, and machinery. Its effect is to cause great activity and enterprise, with brisk buying and new flotations. It causes very sharp, but often unsustained, rises and falls according to its aspects.
JUPITER--Jupiter rules tin, zinc, rubber. It brings expansion, new industries, prosperity, and its good aspects bring very high rises. Its bad aspects show selling for profit taking, and a fall in values. It may also indicate over-capitalization and over-production. Jupiter indicates the direction of speculative interest according to the sign it is in.
SATURN--Saturn rules lead, coal, mines, building, and conditions of labor. Its effect is to cause famines, failure of crops, political troubles, want, and unemployment. Its bad aspects produce great depression in prices, while its good ones steady the market.
URANUS--Uranus rules electrical concerns, aviation, telegraphs, and wireless. Its effect is to cause strikes, revolutions, and political upheavals, its aspects affect the Market thru political conditions. It causes sudden sharp fluctuations in accordance with its aspects.
NEPTUNE--Neptune rules drugs, narcotics, tea, tobacco, oil, and institutions such as hospitals, asylums, and prisons, as well as large syndicates and combines. Its affect is to produce socialistic, democratic, and anarchistic activity, and a condition of confusion or chaos in the affairs signified. In good aspect it inflates prices, often thru the action of rings and combines, and in bad aspects it depresses them thru the same agency.
Al aspects have a certain Orb, this is the distance in degrees which seems to be most favorable or unfavorable. I have noticed that when two or more Planets are within 12 degrees, they begin to have some effect, scarcely noticeable for a time, but as the aspect comes closer than 12 degrees, the market gets more active in the direction that the aspect indicates.
The conjunction, when two planets are within orb of the same degree, but as a rule, a planet is a little the strongest about one degree from the aspect, at its best when coming to the aspect and within one degree, but very apparent several degrees, at least five degrees away.
The Parallel aspect, when two planets are within One degree of the same Declination, is also about the same in strength as the conjunction.
The Opposition is the next strongest, when two or more planets are within orb of each other in opposite signs of the Zodiac.
The Square aspect next strongest when two or more planets are within orb of 90 degrees.
The Trine aspect, when two or more are within orb of 120 degrees.
The Sextile, when two or more are within orb of 60 degrees.
The Semi-Square, when two or more are within 4 or 5 degrees from 45 degrees.
The semi-sextile is a very weak aspect and not noticeable.
The 150 degree aspect also a somewhat weak aspect.
The conjunction of the Sun, Venus, Jupiter are good aspects.
The conjunction of Moon, Venus and Jupiter are good aspects
The Sextile and Trine are good between all planets.
The Opposition is a bad aspect, and always bad, except when with Neutral planets, which have a good aspect.
The Square is a bad aspect, except when it has also a good aspect combination with a Nuetral planet.
Neptune, Uranus and Moon are Neutral, also Mercury at times.
The Conjunction Square and Opposition are active aspects, the Square aspect the most active, the Opposition is a steady, slow at times, bad aspect.
The Sun aspects are slightly good or bad according to the nature of them, but much depends on the aspects between the other planets. If the Sun comes to a good aspect of Jupiter, it favors slight advance, possibly one or two points, and a bad aspect a like effect downward, but if the planet aspected has a close good aspect to another, the advance may be several points, or a close bad aspect several points down.
The Moon aspects depend on the aspects of the Sun; If the Sun has close good aspect, the good aspects of the Moon, when within five or less degrees of the aspects will be quite strong for advances, and a bad aspect of the Moon to an unfavorable aspect is only slightly weak, but if the Sun be in a close bad aspect to Saturn, or Uranus, the good aspects of the Moon have little if any strength, and the bad aspects may be quite strong to cause breaks.
If the Sun be a good aspect to Jupiter and it closely aspected to Uranus by a Trine or Sextile, then any aspect of the Moon to Jupiter or Uranus, good or bad aspects may cause more or less advance, although there may be antagonism and the market scalpy.
Mars aspects are often slightly good, but if a good aspect of Mars and Jupiter or Mars and Saturn, then a good aspect to Mars by the Moon or Mercury advances the market, and bad aspects of the Moon to Mars not bad.
What do you think about Mars-Jupiter opposition and market lows corelation?
Wow, how you link the market to astrology is so fascinating. Do you thin that psychic tarot would also work?
thanks for this post really appreciate
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